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Friday, April 18, 2014


Following are few of the great qualities an employee should posses in order to be highly appreciated and successful at work.
First and foremost an employee needs to understand that all relationships require trust, direction, communication and commitment to be successful.

As an employee of an organization

Keep your self healthy, focused and alert at all times.

Don't be afraid to admit mistakes. It is better to admit that you made a mistake, realize why you made the mistake, and then make sure you don't do it again.

Don't be afraid to say, "I don't know." It is better to confess ignorance and learn the right way of doing things than to pass on or rely on false information that may be damaging to you and the company.

Don't talk behind someone's back. If you decide to come to work, the company expect your loyalty and best efforts. You should expect from them in return. If you dislike your supervisor or the company then let them know what is bothering you and they will help you work it out.

Don't just punch the clock. If you run out of things to do during the workday, find out if there is anything else you can do to help bring value to the company, its clients, customers and other stockholders. Find the value in the diversity of employees and customers.

Dress correctly. Wear clothes that will make other people feel comfortable and that reflects your value to the company.

Don't harass, discriminate, use profanity or tell off-color jokes.

Be honest and trustworthy. Follow the Code of Ethics provided in the Employee Handbook.

Think! Be creative and innovative. The company is willing to listen to any suggestions or ideas you have which would increase the quality and value of your products or services.

Follow the Golden Rule! Act with respect and responsibility towards those around you.
And also remember that your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

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